Do you have a COVID narrative?
Do you know how to adapt your corporate story to the COVID context? It seems that we are programmed to sell positive images and that, when faced with more complex situations, not all communication departments know how to give the appropriate explanations. We are not talking about crisis communication here. After months of uncertainty, there [...]‘Putting order’ in the communication of organizations
Lately, there are many customers and potentials who call us because they ‘need to put order’ in the communication of their organizations. But what exactly does it mean to put “order”? Is it to be organized, efficient and consistent? Or rather eliminate all that is unnecessary? If anyone knows about order, it is the guru […]
Reputation in colour
Reputation. How are we perceived? Since we are young, during our school years, reputation is something that we regard as important. However, not everyone gives it the same importance or takes care of it the same way. In today’s world reputation matters. It matters a lot. But in the corporate world it is seen as […]
La industria hotelera pone el foco en la gestión de los datos
El Hospitality Innovation Planet – HIP’2019 celebró esta semana su tercera edición en IFEMA Madrid y demostró el interés que existe en el sector de la industria hotelera por todos los aspectos relacionados con la innovación. Muchas de las ponencias del congreso Hospitality 4.0 se centraron en este aspecto, ya fuera desde el punto de […]
The Almond Connection starts new season
New characters, new stories, new challenges. The new season of The Almond Connection breaks into the marketing and communication sector with one clear goal: to connect data, people and ideas. In the Almond’s first season Marta & Ingrid helped large global retailers and FMCG companies to grow their business, based on actionable customer insights. In […]